

Tuesday, January 17, 2017


“She who is self-indulgent is dead even while she lives.” (1 Timothy 5:6 ESV)

I make resolutions every year--to eat more vegetables, to drink more water, to exercise more, etc. I can be somewhat disciplined for the first few weeks of January, but then I give in to my old habits of self-indulgence.

Why is it so difficult to stick to our resolutions? Why can’t we just will-power through it? We don’t just pick up habits in a few days. Habits are learned patterns of behavior, thus, bad habits have to be unlearned. This takes more than resolve.

There are a few things we have to work out before we even start the unlearning. First of all, why do we want to change? Our reasons for doing what we are doing have to be clear, or else we are likely to quit when things get difficult. Secondly, what is the reward we are really seeking with the behavior? For example, many of our habits bring us temporary comfort and relief. Is there a better way to achieve the same results? And finally, what triggers your desire to repeat these patterns of behavior? Do you find yourself sliding back into bad habits when you are tired, lonely, hungry, sad, anxious, or frustrated? Or maybe your resolve is weakened or strengthened by the company you keep.

It is really difficult to unlearn bad habits; it’s much easier to replace old routines with new ones. Try to make the new habit more convenient while making the old habit inconvenient. Ask friends and loved ones to support you, to keep you accountable. Be specific about the changes you want to make; make them measurable. Break up your goal into small increments--focus on making it through today...and then this week, and then this month. Track your progress as well as your failures. Even if you have a setback, don’t give up on yourself. Every time you choose to do something good, celebrate; for you have made a change in the right direction.

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