

Monday, February 20, 2017

Chewing on Faith

“These are the words in my mouth; these are what I chew on and pray.” (Psalm 19:14 MSG)

My brother-in-law eats a salad for lunch every day. I decided to do the same. After a few weeks, I got tired of all the chewing--so I decided to juice my vegetables. I left out the bitter greens and added more sweet fruit. This made everything much more palatable. Now I could easily drink my veggies through a straw. Unfortunately, this method provides less fiber and more sugar. And, since it isn’t as filling or satisfying as eating a salad, I usually end up eating a separate lunch.

Faith is intricate--filled with so many paradoxes and unknowns. Why does God allow suffering? Why are only certain prayers answered? Why do some people get healed while others don’t? Why can’t God reveal Himself plainly to all of us? How come some of those who claim to be followers of Christ condone racism, misogyny, xenophobia, homophobia, war, violence, environmental destruction, discrimination, and injustice?

Chewing on all of this is tiresome. Thus, some people prefer juiced, oversimplified versions--which many churches and religious leaders are eager to peddle to the masses. They take out that which is bitter and fibrous. They puree the rest into a homogenous form that can be sipped without effort. And, since it doesn’t fill up their whole life, there is plenty of room left for other more appetizing stuff.

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