

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Lessons from Recovery

“Before a downfall the heart is haughty, but humility comes before honor.” (Proverbs 18:12 NIV)

For the last few weeks, I have been recovering from a back sprain. My movements have been restricted, preventing me from doing a lot of the things I usually do. It only took a few days of disability before I succumbed to discouragement. The experience has been humbling.

I had not realized how much of my identity was wrapped up in being physically active and productive. I recognized all that I took for granted: the ability to move quickly and efficiently, medical care, health insurance, flexible schedule, a kind and helpful spouse, a grown son who is capable of caring for himself. Before the injury, I thought of running as a chore, but now I see it as a privilege. When people said they couldn’t run, I used to think it was simply a lack of willpower. Now, I recognize how my attitude was inflated by pride.

Most people would rather be confident than insecure. Pride often disguises itself as self-assurance, which seems like a good thing at first glance. However, it insidiously infiltrates our perspective--diminishing empathy and understanding while feeding judgmentalism. It blunts gratefulness and chokes out humility. Worst of all, pride makes us imagine that we are self-sufficient, blinding us to the fact that we are sustained only by God’s grace.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. It sounds like you have had quite the "aha" moment. It took me being in a wheelchair due to not being able to walk from the intense pain of a herniated disc that I finally got it that God was teaching me what to be grateful for by taking away what I always too for grated.
    I known since that time it isn't my plan but things happen to teach me not punish me.
