When my son was younger, he loved building indoor forts. These elaborate structures were usually made under tables, with couch cushions for walls and blankets to cover any cracks. He would stay in this small space for hours with only a flashlight, a few snacks, and his favorite toys. The privilege of entering these forts was reserved for a very few friends. However, since these forts often stayed up in the middle of the family room for days, sometimes I would sneak inside them after my son went to bed. Once inside, I could see the appeal. It felt like a cocoon--separate, private, safe, peaceful.
We no longer have forts in the family room, but the concept has stayed with me. On hectic days, I find myself building mental shelters that shield me from the surrounding chaos. I carve out time for solitude and silence. I take my Bible and writing supplies. I invite Jesus to join me. These protected spaces enable me to experience God’s transcending peace as my heart and mind are cocooned in Christ Jesus.