

Monday, January 22, 2018

Witnessing Suffering

“Near the cross of Jesus stood his mother, his mother's sister, Mary the wife of Clopas, and Mary Magdalene.” (John 19:25 NIV)

Jackie’s son is dying from cancer. Her private agony seems just as bad as her son’s pain. Clare’s husband has a drinking problem. Their entire family is wounded by his addiction and deterioration. Muna’s son was handcuffed and taken to a juvenile detention center, because his science project included parts of a digital clock. She had to wait helplessly while her son was questioned for hours. It’s difficult to watch loved ones suffer, whether it is the result of natural causes or their own poor choices. It’s even harder to stand by passively while they are victimized unjustly by other humans.

Jesus was misunderstood by many of his contemporaries. He was persecuted by the religious leaders. The authorities falsely accused him of blasphemy and charged him with treason. In the end, He was imprisoned, tortured, and executed as a terrorist. He suffered and died on the cross. How it must have hurt those who loved Him to stand by powerlessly!

Lord, I pray for all those who are suffering alongside their loved ones. Grant them comfort and strength. Jesus, show us how to defend the powerless, care for the needy, and heal those who hurt. 

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