

Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Pushing Boundaries

“People move property lines to get more land; they steal sheep and put them with their own flocks.” (Job 24:2 GNT)

Not everyone has positive intentions. Manipulators often appeal to your sense of kindness, sympathy, and tolerance while they push back your boundaries. They use you to pad their egos and their profits. Their incongruous behavior hints at their less-than-pure motives.

“You cannot be generous and tolerant and accepting of people who are not respecting you and your boundaries.” (Brene Brown)

If someone routinely barges into your space without knocking, leaving the door ajar may seem like a benign solution. Since confrontation is uncomfortable, it is tempting to take the easy way out. Whether we close the door or not, the invaders seem to find a way in--so why bother? The more we yield to coercion, the more we embolden bullies. Those who do not respect your boundaries do not deserve to be treated like honored guests.

P.S.--This post is NOT about geopolitical borders that are a result of colonialism, military conquests, or land grabs by those in power. I am writing about pushing personal boundaries.

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