

Monday, December 31, 2018

End of Year

"Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done.” (Philippians 4:6 NLT)
Lord, I ask for:
--the tenacity to keep wrestling with things I don’t yet understand
--the courage to pursue truth, no matter what the cost
--the clarity of godly perspective
--the honesty to live authentically. 
Lord, I thank You for:
--the time, space, quiet, and opportunity to write
--the ability to articulate my thoughts and fluency in a global language
--over 1900 daily posts on this blog since 2012
--my editor, who goes through each and every post before it is published
--all the people who continually support and inspire me
--the Spirit of God, the Author and Finisher of everything.


  1. Congratulations on 1900th post. That's a lot of work!

    1. Thanks for being my sounding board while I process my thoughts.
