

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Philippians 4:13

As I was running the other day, I heard the song, “Strong Enough”, by Matthew West, on my mp3 player. I wasn’t paying close attention to the song until the last verse, which was this old-timey, sing-songy, version of Philippians 4:13-- “I can do all things, through Christ who gives me strength.”

Instantly, I was transported back to 1997, one of the darkest points of my life. Several different factors had come together and pushed me into a black hole that I couldn’t get out of, no matter how much I tried. I cried out to God. He took His own time, but eventually pulled me out.

I was a habitual Christian leading up to that point. I wasn’t really familiar with the Bible. I went to church every Sunday, where I heard Scripture being read and analyzed. I never remembered any of the verses that were read at church, but I always remembered the song lyrics. So during my time of trouble, it was lyrics to songs that came to mind:

I waited, for the Lord on High,
I waited, and He heard my cry.
He pulled me out of my despair
He taught me how to walk
From fear into security
From quicksand to the Rock.

I remembered bits and pieces of songs I had heard as a child. And then, from somewhere…this verse from Philippians-- I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me…I don’t know if I read it, or heard it--but I just repeated this verse as I ran, 3 miles each day, pushing my toddler in a jogging stroller, through snow and ice.

Back to the present…15 years later. I hear this verse again as I am running. Christ has strengthened me. He has also comforted me, healed me, taught me, and guided me. At every point, He provided me with all I needed-- the right friends, a bit of a song, a book, a verse….until I felt His love, mercy and peace.

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