

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Starling Murmurations

Yesterday, I saw a flock of starlings, also known as a starling murmuration. Their beautiful, aerial aerobatics are amazing to behold. In case you’ve never seen this, here is a link to a video of this phenomenon:
The first 10 seconds are enough to give you an idea.

Although this is a common sight where I live, I pause every time I see a starling murmuration. Every autumn, I look forward to their mesmerizing dance. I wonder at how they move as one, how they are all connected. I can’t help but applaud the Choreographer who came up with this and all the other wonderful displays in nature.

“Keep your eyes open for God, watch for his works;
be alert for signs of his presence.” (Ps. 105:4 MSG)

I felt God’s presence as I watched the starlings. I also sensed His presence with my son, as he drove away, by himself, for the first time. I acknowledged God’s providence at the grocery store, as I paid for this week’s provisions for my family.

Yet, I can’t help but wonder why God allows some families to go hungry, some birds to be shot and killed for sport, or some children to be killed in car accidents or wars.

I keep my eyes, ears, and all my senses tuned into God, waiting for elucidation. He helps me realize that we allow our human family to go hungry. We shoot birds for sport. We decide that driving after a few drinks is perfectly fine, or that war is justified -- and sometimes, children die in the process.

God allows us to exist and move according to our own will. We must not hold Him responsible for our extemporaneous moves. Like the starlings, we too were choreographed to move as one, in step to the divine tempo, all of us connected to God.

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