

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Going Through the Motions

I enjoy running outside. Yet once it gets cold and snowy, I resign myself to jogging in place on the treadmill indoors. Even though I have the TV to distract me, I’m never really excited when on the treadmill. It’s like the difference between playing real tennis vs. ‘Wii Tennis’ on a video game console, or playing a real guitar vs. playing ‘Guitar Hero’. So why do we prefer these simulations to reality? Running outside in the snow is uncomfortably cold, and there is always risk of injury. Playing video game versions of tennis or guitar takes a lot less time and energy.

We routinely just go through the motions instead of being fully engaged in our faith, marriages, parenting, or work. When we settle for a simulated life, we lose passion for what we are doing. It is true that the less we care, the less of ourselves we invest, the less likely we are to get hurt. However, we were created for much more than this mindless, distracted, passionless living.

This winter, I’ve been running in the snow. It has been exhilarating! I feel refreshed as I breathe in the fresh cold air. My eyes water as the wind stings my face. Yet, I know it is temporary. I look forward to suiting up and facing the winter, because it makes me realize how strong I can be when necessary.

Reality is not risk-free. It is often painful. It is tempting to disengage when faced with harsh conditions, to withdraw, to pretend that everything is ok. Yet, I would rather take risks and face the harshness of reality than merely go through the motions of a simulated life.

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