

Friday, April 5, 2013

Window Cleaner

I like looking through the windows of my house into nature. However, most of the time they are dusty and my view is blurred. Once a year, I set out to clean my windows. It’s a two-person job to tilt the windows in and clean both sides. 

Why do I prefer to look through my dusty windows rather than experiencing everything that nature has to offer? I spend about 30 minutes a day outside on a typical day, more if the weather is nice. The rest of the time I prefer to be in a climate-controlled environment. I must admit that I’m not fond of many of the elements of nature, whether it’s cold, heat, rain, snow, ice, wind, or even bugs, rodents, or snakes.

 “You’ve been given insight into God’s kingdom—you know how it works. But to those who can’t see it yet, everything comes in stories, creating readiness, nudging them toward receptive insight. These are people—Whose eyes are open but don’t see a thing, Whose ears are open but don’t understand a word, Who avoid making an about-face and getting forgiven.” (Mark 4:9-11 MSG)

I have a tendency to think and write about God’s Kingdom (God’s sphere of influence or God-infused environment). Yet I spend very limited time in this Kingdom. I prefer to look at it through the windows, while staying inside, where I have a bit more control. Kingdom conditions are not always comfortable or predictable. Eventually, I hope to develop the courage to face this wild kingdom that is beyond my control. Meanwhile, I shall keep cleaning windows.

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