

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Hummingbird’s Letter

Once upon a time, Hummingbird wrote a letter to God:

Dear Lord,

Why did you make me so weird? I’m so small that I can’t even get any respect from the juvenile sparrows! I can’t eat seeds, or grain—always stuck with this stupid long beak that is only good for sucking up nectar and catching bugs. Oh…and what were you thinking when you gave me these tiny, useless legs? Can’t even walk with them! It takes me so much energy to hover and fly that I spend most of my time just perching and digesting. I get so tired by the evening that I go into a state of torpor—shutting down to conserve what little energy I have left until morning. It is bad enough you made me so small and weak, but then you also expect me to migrate every winter, flying on these little tiny wings. What were you thinking? 

God’s Response:

Dear Hummingbird,

You may be small, but I made you energetic, fast, and acrobatic. Your beak can pierce deeper and find nectar that others can’t. Your legs are tiny, so that they don’t weigh you down. After you eat nectar, you were meant to sit still and digest it. You were made for a purpose—to pollinate specific flowers. By doing this, you glorify me. I delight in you, as I do in all my creations.

I designed you for glorious living, part of the overall purpose I am working out in everything and everyone. (Ephesians 1:11-12 MSG)

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