

Monday, September 2, 2013

Unchained Life

I have a bunch of inhibitions that chain me down. These self-limiting ideas prevent me from living fully. I was inoculated with most of these hang-ups during childhood and unfortunately receive booster shots every time I visit relatives. Here are a few examples:

-If I’m not pursuing worldly success, then I might be perceived as lazy, useless, unambitious, and unworthy of respect. 

-I feel guilty about doing anything for myself.

-I equate taking risks with losing control.

-I’m afraid that I will lose the ones I love.

These hang-ups constrain my progress, weighing me down like chains around my ankles. Some days, I sense that these fixations are false, and that I can be free of them. But then I’m overwhelmed again, and like a prisoner who goes back to the familiarity of the prison walls, I return to a life of bondage.

Alice Walker, best known for writing The Color Purple, had a lot of profound things to say about freedom:

“The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don't have any.”

“For in the end, freedom is a personal and lonely battle; and one faces down fears of today so that those of tomorrow might be engaged.”

When we are unaware of our potential, we underutilize our power. As we push ourselves, we realize the extent of our capabilities. Freedom is not a group project--it is a personal battle. Neither our family nor our friends can release us from these self-limiting shackles. Every phase brings its own obstacles and baggage. We can’t put off dealing with our current fears, or else we will be overwhelmed as tomorrow’s concerns come up.

How can I live an unchained life? Realize that I’m responsible for my personal hang-ups, push myself daily, and deal with fears as they come up.  


  1. AB5 your personal daily reference sheet will slowly, over time, because lifestyle changes don't happen overnight when they last forever, unleash the power in you to become the authentic you.

    It is a daily practice that starts as soon as you open your eyes in the morning.

    Remember, you ARE Greatness and worthy of it.
