

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Loss of Appetite

A loss of appetite can be caused by a wide range of physical and mental conditions. It can result in malnutrition, physical weakness, and a loss of immunity. Loss of appetite is a symptom of some other underlying condition. The first step is diagnosing the root of the problem and then treating that disease. Other suggested treatments include: scheduled mealtimes, limiting fluids or other substitutions, and creating a pleasant eating environment free of distractions. Most of us who have a hearty appetite take it for granted—some of us even consider it an inconvenience.

What if we lost our appetite for God? What if we never really had a desire for a relationship with HIM in the first place? Is there a way to stimulate our appetite for God?

The first step is to find the root of the problem. Often we have false beliefs of God that have been ingrained in us during our formative years. Some of us see Him as a Father-figure who is legalistic, judgmental, inconsistent, violent, erratic, and scary. Others see Him as uncaring, wimpy, uninvolved, irrelevant, difficult to understand, detached, or non-existent. These underlying conditions prevent us from desiring any sort of intimate relationship with God. The primary treatment for these misconceptions is to really get to know Him. Set scheduled daily time to spend with Him. Taste, chew, and savor. Limit substitutions that could be suppressing your hunger. Create a distraction-free environment that allows you to enjoy experiencing God.

If you are in a phase of life where you have a hearty appetite for God—do not take it for granted. A desire for God is a gift to be relished and explored. It is a rare blessing that needs to be cherished and guarded.

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