

Friday, June 6, 2014


(Psalms Study)
 “I will search for faithful people to be my companions.” (Ps. 101:6 NLT)

Dogs can be faithful; spouses promise to be faithful; faithful friends, employees, customers, church members, followers, fans, and citizens are all highly valued.

What do all these have in common? They are loyal, constant, devoted, uncritical, dependable, steadfast, committed, consistent, reliable, accepting, supportive, forgiving, and trustworthy. They can be counted on—to be there for you—no matter what. 

If we have a few faithful companions in our life, we are truly blessed.  Yet, because this level of commitment takes a great deal of effort, we can only maintain a few such relationships. We want to be faithful to those who are worthy of our devotion.

“His unfailing love continues forever, and His faithfulness continues to each generation.” (Ps. 100:5 NLT)

God is faithful. He has always been there for us. His love is unconditional. He accepts us, even though He knows us inside out. He is committed to us and wants the best for us. We can count on Him forever.  This is a relationship worth investing in—God is worthy of our faithfulness. 

How can we be faithful? A faithful wife makes sure that nothing and no one displaces her husband’s position in her life. Philosophers like Blaise Pascal and St. Augustine have pointed out that there is a God-shaped void in all of us. When we allow anything or anyone to take God’s space, we are being unfaithful to Him. Faithfulness requires unwavering commitment, devotion, perseverance, and vigilance. I pray that I may remain steadfast to the One who has always been faithful. 

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