

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Morning Dew

“Your strength will be renewed each day like the morning dew.” (Ps. 110:3 NLT)

When I go outside in the early mornings, I notice the tiny droplets of water on leaves. It hasn’t rained; it’s just condensation of water vapor due to the cooler overnight temperatures. Once the sun comes up and warms the air, the morning dew will disappear. I think the dew is fascinating and beautiful, but I’m not dependent on it. However, for those who live in deserts, morning dew can be integral to survival. Desert dwellers wake up in the middle of the night to collect dew from underneath half-buried rocks. They lay out absorbent cloth on desert grasses so they can wring out every precious drop to quench their thirst.

Our surroundings are saturated with the Holy Spirit. When we spend time in contemplation, particularly in the early mornings, our minds become surfaces for Spirit condensation. These subtle droplets of wisdom and clarity are easy to overlook. Unless you are going through a desert experience—then you depend on every dewdrop for sustenance. Spiritual strength and wisdom are available to all of us—but not at our convenience. It is time-sensitive. Once the sun comes up, these insights quickly dry up as the distractions of the day take over. So take time to collect the morning dew; drink deeply—for it renews our strength and refreshes our souls.

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