

Monday, July 27, 2020

Hypocrisy Sandwiches

“Insincere talk that hides what you are really thinking is like a fine glaze on a cheap clay pot. A hypocrite hides hate behind flattering words. They may sound fine, but don't believe him, because his heart is filled to the brim with hate.” (Proverbs 26:23-26 GNTA)

 The food industry does a great deal of research into how to lure consumers into buying their products. Restaurants that sell sandwiches have figured out that customers will pay more for visually appealing sandwiches with even one unique ingredient. A thin layer of chili-mayo, gouda cheese, or pickled apples can allow sellers to mark up the prices because consumers imagine they are getting something special. These inexpensive additions can significantly increase the profit margins for restaurants. 

All of this sandwich engineering reminds me of the compliment sandwich technique. This is a popular form of feedback where a layer of criticism is sandwiched in between two compliments.  I have noticed a different version of this product being served as well. I call it the hypocrisy sandwich.  It can be layered with a combination of many ingredients: denial, flattery, polished words, puffery, baloney, fawning, contempt, shame, rapport, belittling, mockery, politeness, ribbing, ingratiation, persuasion, etc. These ingredients are customized based on individual predilections. Whatever makes the insincerity attractive and palatable may be used. Now, whether you buy and consume a hypocrisy sandwich is up to you.  Just recognize it for what it is before you accept it--someone trying to sell you a bill of goods. 

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