

Friday, July 31, 2020

Creativity as Therapy

“The Lord has given them special skills as engravers, designers, embroiderers in blue, purple, and scarlet thread on fine linen cloth, and weavers. They excel as craftsmen and as designers.” (Exodus 35:35 NLT)

Each of us is given unique areas of instinctual gifts. Musicians, painters, writers, app developers, architects, gardeners, chefs, activists, speakers, poets--all have learned to draw from deep wells of inspiration.  Creative expression promotes wellness and boosts self-esteem. Making something new stirs something within us. This can feel transformative and restorative at the same time.

When we are unwell, creativity slumps. Physical exhaustion and emotional heaviness can be draining. When our spirits need recharging, the motivation to propel ourselves out of the pit is unfortunately missing. During these times, finding small creative tasks can be therapeutic. This can be as simple as adding one new ingredient to a familiar recipe or writing a haiku or arranging wildflowers in a glass jar. If you are naturally gifted in music, perhaps you can hum a new melody or write lyrics to a new song. Whatever your talent, working within your area of expertise can feel empowering. Like recharging a dead battery in a car, a little spark of energy can be enough to get moving.  Once you get started, you need to keep going for a while to maintain the charge. 

Creativity helps us to gain fresh insights that add value. It helps us to experience the world in new, original ways. Curiosity and imagination are integral. The risk of failure is a given. Creativity stimulates our mind, motivating us to grow. Lethargic spirits become recharged. Souls are energized. Apathy is replaced by passion. Creativity allows us to feel, know, and express what is within ourselves--thus allowing the invisible to become visible. 

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