

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

In the Midst of Pain

Why is it so much harder for me to sense God when I’m in pain?

When all is well and I’m sitting in my comfy chair by my window, with a pile of books by my side, I have no problem recognizing God. Yet in the midst of a crisis, I can’t hear, feel, or sense God. It’s like I’m in a soundproof booth, and all I hear is my own anguished cries for help.

My friend JW and I were discussing this subject, and she said something profound. She said that wounds from our past get in the way of our ability to trust God. Thick scar tissue reduces our sensitivity to God.

Sometimes pain dulls our senses. When I was in labor, I was so distracted by the pain that I only had a vague sense of what my husband was doing or where he was during the whole process. Once our baby was born, I realized that my husband had been right by my side the whole time, holding my hand. I bet if he weren’t with me at all, I would have felt much worse.

I think God is present during times of suffering. Sometimes the pain is so overwhelming that we fail to sense His comforting spirit by our side, holding
our hand, whispering encouragement.

Every trial births new strength in us. Increased pressure transforms us, brings forth fresh perspective. And God is right there with us, whether we sense Him or not.

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