

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Rising to the occasion

I’ve been noticing that two people can go through similar crises and come out completely different from each other. I have a friend who went through a terrible divorce but came out of the experience as a stronger, sweeter, more grace-filled woman than she was before. On the other hand, another divorced woman I know seems brittle and broken. I’ve noticed similar differences among people who have gone through health issues, death in their families, financial troubles, etc.

This reminded me of the following verse: “God’s kingdom (sphere of influence) is like yeast that a woman works into dozens of loaves of barley bread--and waits while the dough rises.” (Matthew 13:33 MSG)

When faith is worked into our lives and allowed some time to grow and rise, we react differently to crises. When we go through fire, we are not as frangible as before. God works the gift of faith into our lives. Under ideal conditions, we rise to His expectations; we go through the fire and come out as fragrant as freshly baked bread. Yet, like all bread, we are meant to be broken, to be torn apart, to provide sustenance for others.

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