

Monday, April 9, 2012

Jesus Ahead

I was reading about the resurrection of Jesus, in Mark, chapter 16. A group of women went to the tomb to anoint Jesus’ body. “On the way they were asking each other, ‘who will roll away the stone for us from the entrance to the tomb?”

This verse made me smile. These women got together early in the morning, purchased burial spices, and are half way there before they consider this huge obstacle in their way!

We all want to be close to Jesus, to serve Him. But we get discouraged by the obstacles. Most of us wouldn’t even start on this journey. We would hesitate to invest our time and resources in a task without considering the huge stone that is blocking the way. We would talk ourselves out of it, while still lying in bed, early Sunday morning.

Most of us neglect to figure God into the equation.

Meanwhile, back at the tomb, the stone has been moved. Jesus is Risen!
If Jesus can rise from death, He can certainly remove road blocks that prevent us from serving Him. In fact, He is already ahead of us, taking care of details that we will face in our path.

“Jesus is going ahead of you…” (Mark 16:7 NLT)

1 comment:

  1. Yes, trusting that the stone will be rolled away in order to see Jesus' nature more. Love the observation here!
