

Tuesday, April 3, 2012


When merging onto a highway, drivers yield to each other. Making way for others is part of safe, courteous driving. Routinely, we are faced with the choice of asserting our individual rights vs. making space for the desires and rights of others. In most cases, yielding is the magnanimous thing to do.

Sometimes, we get to a fork in the road, and we yield to bondage. We make compromises that allow evil to dominate us. We give power to our insecurities, fears, desires, and selfishness. Yielding to negative influences pushes us off-course.

How can we tell when to yield and when not to yield?

I often make compromises based on the following question: Am I good enough? Am I a good enough parent, spouse, friend… person? When I make adjustments that are motivated by proving my own worthiness, I get off-center.

I can get back to center by acknowledging that God loves me. I soak in this love. I lean into His arms. I yield to Jesus. My choices become motivated by His love for me rather than my need to prove anything.

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