

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Stumbling into Bondage

Yesterday, I wrote about how our strengths can trip us up. This got me thinking of how often our abilities lead us into positions of bondage.

Some home owners have mortgaged their lives to buy and maintain their dream homes. Others are shackled by their careers. Some are limited by their relationships. The more we invest in something, the more power it has over us. We get tied up in our roles, in our talents, by our accomplishments. We work really hard and devote our lives to digging our own holes.

A friend of mine, who was physically strong, routinely lifted heavy objects by herself. She has a bad back now. I used to tell her: “Just because you have the ability to do something, doesn’t mean you should.”

I’ve had to remind myself of this on a daily basis:

-Just because you can afford it, doesn’t mean you should buy it.

-Just because you can clean up someone else’s mess, doesn’t mean you should.

-Just because you can say whatever you want, doesn’t mean you should.

-Just because you have incredible potential, multiple talents, and unlimited opportunities, doesn’t mean you should pursue success at the expense of everything else.

In an effort to prove our worth, we tend to bind ourselves in ways that cause damage in the long run.

Still searching…

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