

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Bubble Wrap

Do any of you like popping bubble wrap? It’s kind of fun, isn’t it? The strange satisfaction of hearing the little ‘pop’, immediately after you press down on a bubble…knowing you have plenty more and could do this for hours if you wanted to… It’s relaxing, gratifying,… and quite pointless.

How much of our day is spent on activities that are equivalent to popping bubble wrap?

I press buttons on the computer keyboard, the mouse, the microwave, the stove, the washing machine, the phone, the car, the remote control... The rest of the day, I sweep, I scrub, I talk, I walk, I work…I do things that bring me satisfaction, that make me feel like I’m doing something useful, that provide an outlet to release my need for significance.

For the last two days, I’ve been keeping a record of how I spend my day. Every hour that I’m awake, I jot down up to 3 activities that have taken up each hour. I am surprised to see where all the time has been going. Lots of busywork…not much of long-term significance.

However, I have discovered some meaningful ways of investing time as well. Contemplation, nurturing relationships, caring, serving… Many of my daily activities were originally intended to fit into these categories. Yet over time, I’ve forgotten their original purpose, and they have turned into plain, mindless busywork.

As you go about each activity today, ask yourself: Is this meaningful, or just equivalent to popping bubble wrap?

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