

Saturday, October 6, 2012


I was watching the news the other day, when a commercial popped up with a number to call for “Commitment-free Hookups”. This concept is so BIZARRE to me! I don’t even want to waste my time on commitment-free platonic friendships!

Most of my close friends know that I don’t do casual relationships. I’m intense about everything. Whether it’s taking care of my dog, cleaning my house, exercising, friendships, parenting, writing, home schooling, cooking, studying,…I can’t do anything half-way. This gets me in trouble sometimes. This all or nothing approach is self-limiting. Besides, fanatics are uncomfortable to be around!

I don’t take commitments lightly, especially if there are other people involved. If I start a library book, and it ends up being dull, I have no problem moving on to another book. However, if I buy a book, I feel compelled to finish reading it. Same goes for anything else I purchase. I find wastefulness disrespectful. If someone worked for the money to purchase something, I feel committed to using it. If I can’t use it, I have to return it and get the money back. If I commit to meeting someone at a certain time and I’m 5 minutes late, I feel horrible…like I’m letting them down.

I have a friend who raises chickens. She shares her precious eggs with me. I eat all the egg whites, but I’ve had to throw away some of the yolks. This makes me feel guilty. I feel like I’m disrespecting my friend and her chickens every time I waste a yolk. Forget commitment-free hookups, I can’t even do commitment-free eggs!

I’m learning to accept that not everyone can or wants to commit as intensely as I do. It’s too much pressure. People would rather have casual, laid-back, low-pressure, fun relationships. Commitment-free hookups are more common than I thought!

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