

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Concern vs. Trust

The following lines from my daily devotional caught my attention:
“Have we come to the point where God can withdraw His blessings from us without our trust in Him being affected? Once we truly see God at work, we will never be concerned again about the things that happen, because we are actually trusting in our Father in Heaven, whom the world cannot see.” (from My Utmost for His Highest, by Oswald Chambers)

I have not reached the point of unconditional trust. I’m concerned about every detail of my life. I worry about my family and friends. I’m anxious about global issues. If God were to take away my blessings, my trust would weaken. I’ve experienced this before. A few things go wrong, and my faith wavers.

How do I release my concerns and cling to Jesus with unconditional trust?
At first, I tried saying: ‘I will trust the Lord to take care of this situation’. Then I realized that I was still placing conditions on my trust. I would surrender as long as I had a guarantee of blessings.

I found it difficult to release my big worries. The more attached I was to the outcome, the harder it was to completely surrender and trust God. I realized this was beyond my power. I asked the Holy Spirit to help me.

I practiced with small concerns. I said:
I will not be concerned about ____________, because I trust in You, Lord. 
I felt better. I tried repeating the line with another concern…and another. Saying it doesn’t mean I’ve actually released these concerns forever… but it was a start.

With the power of the Holy Spirit running through me, someday I will reach this place of unconditional trust. I look forward to that day when I will want God for Himself and not for His blessings.

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