

Wednesday, October 3, 2012


Even so, he pitied them in their distress
And listened to their cries.
He remembered his covenant with them
And relented because of his unfailing love. (Ps. 106:44-46 MSG)

Yesterday, a friend and I were discussing the word pity, and how it’s not a good thing anymore. When we are feeling pitiful, we mistake empathy from others as pity. What’s the difference? When a friend is sad with you, feeling the same emotion as you, that is empathy. When she is feeling sad for you, that is pity. Either way, she is trying to be supportive. So why are we so sensitive about being the objects of pity?

It’s much easier to be on the giving side of pity than on the receiving side. Accepting charity or pity makes us feel inferior and weak. It takes away our sense of self-sufficiency and thus a part of our dignity. This is really screwed up! How come we are able to accept pity, mercy, grace, and charity from God, but not from godly friends? Who else is God going to work through?

God takes pity on us in our times of distress. He places supportive friends and family members in our lives. When we are broken, we have to lean on these people who are kind enough to extend mercy and grace. But first, we have to give up the crutch of pride that we’ve been using to hobble around independently. Our pride causes us to refuse the gifts of God’s unfailing love.

I’m learning to accept support…to put away my precious pride…to accept God’s unfailing love and mercy.

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