

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Pre-Discovered Truths

Every morning, I sit beside my window, in the pre-dawn darkness, reading, praying, thinking and writing. This week I noticed something new…a bright star, framed by my window panels. I wondered why I had never noticed it before. I’m sure I’ve looked out that window a thousand times! Well, I’m sure most of you who are familiar with stars know that I’m talking about the planet Venus, also sometimes referred to as the ‘Morning Star’. This time of year, it’s really bright in the eastern sky, right before sunrise. Humans have been marveling at this point of light for thousands of years. Yet, I just noticed it this week, because it had lined up perfectly between the square panels outside my east-facing window at the exact time that I routinely sit there.

Frequently, I’ll have a philosophical insight about a subject, process my thoughts, write them all down, and then several days later, read something similar in a book! At first, I would get a bit bothered. I would think to myself…I bet now everyone is going to think I got that idea from reading this book!

I know there is nothing new under the sun. Every thought I’ve had, every idea I’ve written, every truth I’ve recognized, has been discovered by others before me. So these days, I’m amused when I read an insight that is similar to my own. Truth is validated when multiple thinkers independently come to the same conclusion.

“God himself is the truth” (John 3:33 MSG)
If all truths lead up to one ultimate Truth, then, of course, many people who are searching will end up getting there through similar routes.

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