

Friday, October 19, 2012

Replaced by Apps

Most smartphone users are familiar with ‘apps’ , or software applications that do specific tasks. For example, there are calendar apps, Bible apps, game apps, email apps, fitness apps…pretty much anything you can think of, there’s an app for that out there!

Recently, I ran across a ‘wife app’ and a ‘mom app’. The wife app just sends preset text messages to your wife if you’re running late. Phew! I’m sure it will be just a matter of time before they come up with an app that does more. The mom app is an organizing tool for moms--shopping lists, day-planner, to-do list, and meal planner. Again, not likely to replace my job anytime soon. However, I did find an app that might be a threat to my role as wife and mom--the Nag App!

For 99 cents, you can download the Nag App to your phone, and it will keep reminding you of things you need to get done, with multiple alarms, at preset intervals. If you prefer text messaging, there is another app called E-Nag, which allows you to send preset reminder texts to all your family members at once. Or if you like variety, the Nag-O-Meter app has 600+ nagging messages that will launch ‘nag attacks’ on you, your family, and friends!

I hope you are as amused by these apps as I am. However, there is a reason I brought this up. I realize that my parenting style involves a lot of nagging. I keep thinking it’s my role as a mother to remind my son of everything. He doesn’t need me for that. He can either develop his own internal timer, or download an app for that.

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