

Friday, December 26, 2014


Every day, you hear of some new online scam which attempts to gain remote access to your computer. Recently, there was one that appeared as a pop-up warning that your computer has been infected with a Trojan horse. (In computing, a Trojan horse is a destructive program masquerading as a benign application.) The pop-up window then instructs you to call the manufacturer at a given number. The information appears credible since the scammers use the name of a reputable company. However, once the number is called, they attempt to remotely access your computer as well as solicit a payment for fixing your computer.

I noticed several parallels between this particular online scam and how evil sneakily manipulates our minds. A thought pops up in our minds. Instead of immediately closing this thought down, we pay attention to it, follow up on it, and take actions based on it. Soon, evil has remote access to our minds--like a Trojan horse, some seemingly harmless thought is used to carry severely damaging material into our minds and lives. This leads to actions that are based on fear and panic. We are no longer able to operate from a place of peace, wholeness, trust, and wisdom.

Just like the scammers, evil will not try this same, exact tactic next time, It will come in some new form. Now, if only I could recognize it every time.

(A special thanks to my friend, Laura, for sharing her experience with me.)

1 comment:

  1. Thank you and I hope everyone that reads this becomes aware, since as you know I was a victim. Because I did take action with the authorities, I was able to get my money back, but too many people are ashamed they were "had" and don't report it and this is how these evil people continue on in robbing innocent people of their monies.
