

Monday, May 27, 2019

Climbing Hills

“Our work as God's servants gets validated - or not - in the details. People are watching us as we stay at our post, alertly, unswervingly . . . in hard times, tough times, bad times;” (2 Corinthians 6:4 MSG)

As a runner, hills are my nemesis. They are hard on my legs, my lungs, and my spirit. As I approach a giant hill, I prepare myself for the suffering ahead. I straighten my shoulders, take quick, short strides, and repeat positive affirmations in my mind. I have learned not to look too far ahead--because that can be demoralizing. Instead, I keep my eyes focused just a few feet ahead of me. When I get to the peak of each hill, I look around. I know there are more hills to come, but I remind myself of how far  I’ve come. I am also aware of those running behind me who are watching me climb.

Life is marked by hills of difficulty, some steeper than others. These can be hard on our bodies, minds, and spirits. Yet, these hills can also be a platform, making us more visible to others. As we reach higher elevations, our perspective also changes. People are watching us as we stay the course-- alertly, unswervingly. Our work as God’s servants gets validated--or not--in how we handle suffering. We practice our faith by displaying God’s power working through hill at a time.

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