

Monday, July 1, 2019

That's Impressive

“Whenever you failed to do one of these things to someone who was being overlooked or ignored, that was me - you failed to do it to me.” (Matthew 25:45 MSG)

I once met an acquaintance at her workplace for lunch. She showed me her office--decorated with expensive sculptures and artwork--mentioned how well-connected she was with the executives and how everyone praised her work. Yet, I noticed how she ignored the janitors and spoke condescendingly to the cafeteria workers.  A few months later, she invited me to her home--a huge mansion filled with more expensive things. During dinner, she spoke of her travels, her wealthy neighbors, her interior decorator, and the rugs she had shipped in from exotic countries. Yet, I noticed how she treated her husband and children. They seemed to be mere accessories to further her image.  Needless to say, I was not impressed.

I am not bowled over by the trappings of wealth and power. Even youth, strength, and beauty fail to excite me. However, I admire those who are kind to the marginalized, the under-resourced, and the ignored. I am deeply impressed when someone is on a first name basis with the cashiers at Walmart,  goes out of their way to acknowledge a stranger, and treats service workers with respect. When we acknowledge the powerless--those who are unable to reciprocate, elevate our status, or further our ambitions--we unveil grace. The way we treat those who seem unimportant, when no one is watching, reveals our true character.

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