

Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Meditation and Contemplation


 “I will meditate on Your precepts, and contemplate Your ways.” (Psalm 119:15 NKJV)


I have discovered the secret to a great broccoli salad is to let it marinate for several hours. First, I pull apart the florets into small, bite-sized pieces. Then, I coat it with vinegar, mayonnaise, and spices. Like other cruciferous vegetables, broccoli is not easily digestible.  The fibrous outer layer needs time to break down and soften up in an acidic environment. It is best not  to rush the process. This salad is much more enjoyable if you allow it time to tenderize and absorb the flavors.


Similarly, I have discovered the secret to understanding God’s precepts is to meditate upon it for some time. Truth can be difficult to understand and digest. The fibrous, substantive tissue requires pondering.  It is best not to rush the process. A cursory reading is insufficient. I pull apart each concept into bite-sized pieces. I ask God to teach me what I need to learn at each phase in my life. As I contemplate, the Word becomes tender and my heart becomes receptive.  I write down any insights and applications that are revealed to me.  I leisurely immerse myself in God’s presence. I sit and soak until I’ve absorbed all the goodness. 


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