

Thursday, April 8, 2021

Multiplying Blessings

“I am going to put a special blessing on you and cause your reputation to grow so that you will become a blessing and example to others.” (Genesis 12:2 VOICE)

On a Scrabble game board, there are some squares that multiply the value of your tiles. A good player tries to place his tiles in locations that will yield maximum points. He takes an inventory of the tiles in front of him, and then checks the board to see how he can make the greatest impact with what he has in hand.  Even if he has high value tiles that align to make long words, he needs to be strategic about using the multiplier spaces to win the game. 

The lessons of Scrabble can be beneficial in many areas of daily living. We all have a set of talents and blessings in each season of growth. It is up to us to use what we have been given for the greatest impact. We can take our gifts and multiply them to spread blessings. 

Let’s say someone teaches you how to make bread. Don’t just thank them right after and forget about them. Honor them every time you make bread. That multiplies the blessing.  Make and give away loaves to all who are hungry. Now, you’ve multiplied it further. Teach others to make bread. The impact becomes exponential

If you forgo a trip, you might save money and reduce environmental damage. That’s a multiplier. If you donate money to a charity, maybe they will mail you a tote bag for your contribution--not really a multiplier. But if you take the time to research charities and ensure that most of the proceeds go to programs and services--that’s a multiplier. If you recycle a plastic container, that is beneficial. If you can repurpose the container to grow plants, that’s a multiplier

Take inventory of all that you have been given. Take every opportunity to multiply and spread goodness. Become a blessing and example to others.

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