

Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Gentle Dad

“As long as I live I’ll keep praying to him, for he stoops down to listen to my heart’s cry.” (Psalm 116:2 TPT)

When my son used to play tee-ball, I would sit in the bleachers and spectate with all the other parents. I found the interactions between parents and their children more fascinating than the game itself. At each game, some little boy would fall and scrape a knee or fall down while running. There were the ‘tough dads’ who yelled stuff like: shake it off, suck it up, get back in the game, etc. There were also the ‘gentle dads’ who would walk up to the sidelines and crouch down to the height of the little ones. They would quietly listen as their sons expressed their emotions. Their presence reassured their boys that it was okay to be hurt or frustrated. Perhaps the tough dads raised better tee-ball players, but I have a feeling that the gentle dads had better relationships with their sons. 

Fortunately, our Heavenly Father is always gentle and compassionate. He stoops down to our level and listens to our cries. He never admonishes us for being frustrated. He doesn’t dismiss our emotions. Instead, He remains close. His loving presence reassures us that we are okay, that our feelings are acceptable. Our God is a highly engaged parent. He is always present, patient, and available. No matter how old we are, we can always call on Him, talk to Him, and count on Him to listen. 

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