

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Formulaic Faith

I’m still thinking about what I wrote yesterday concerning working out one’s faith.

In mathematics and science, formulae are integral in expressing relationships between variables. Textbooks usually show how a formula is derived by giving a detailed proof. I confess that I mostly just glance at these proofs. I’m glad that someone has worked out these formulae. I’m not really interested in how they were derived. I’d rather just memorize a formula and use it to quickly solve the problem at hand. Because of this approach, I don’t have a thorough understanding of certain complex concepts.

It’s tempting to follow a formula for faith. Someone else has already worked it out. You just have to plug in the variables and you get quick answers. However, this leads to a superficial understanding of God.

I don’t think we need to re-invent the wheel each time. The best approach is to carefully study how the formula was derived. Then try to work it out on your own. Apply what you’ve learned to solve several problems. This leads to a deeper knowledge of the concept than simply memorizing and following a formula.
I learn a lot by studying the writings of great thinkers from the past. These intellectual giants have wrestled with the same questions that I have. Some have found peace and strength through their struggles. I try to work out my faith by following their example. I’m hoping that further practice leads to a deeper understanding of ultimate truth.

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