

Monday, November 5, 2012

To-Do List

I’m a list maker. Every morning I make a list of things I want to accomplish. Sometimes I do things that are not on the list, but I write them down after I doing them and then cross them out. At the end of the day, I like to look at the list and see if I’ve had a productive day. Most of my time goes to housework. By the end of the day, the food has been eaten, the house is back in disarray, and all I have left to show for my efforts is a sink full of dirty pots and pans and this list with crossed-out tasks. I wish I were doing more for God, but, for now, my daily service mainly benefits my family.

“Not what you do for God but what God does for you--that’s the agenda for rejoicing.” (Luke 10:20 MSG)

I wonder if God keeps a list of daily encounters with me. If He does, then yesterday’s list might have looked like this:

Whispered wisdom into her ears in the morning
Helped her stay calm during her conversation with her parents
Pulled her out of despair
Prompted a friend to call her with encouragement
Nudged her to listen, rather than talk
Gave her the energy to clean 3 bathrooms
Provided her with food for her family’s needs
Urged her to pray several times
Kept her safe
Kept her healthy
Kept her close by MY Side.

My ‘To-do list’ is of no significance to God. Whether I’m cleaning bathrooms, or calling a friend, He uses every opportunity to build His relationship with me. It is not what I do for God, but what God does in me that brings contentment, peace and joy.

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