

Friday, December 14, 2012

Leave Your Nets

“Walking along the beach of Lake Galilee, Jesus saw two brothers: Simon (later called Peter) and Andrew. They were fishing, throwing their nets into the lake. It was their regular work. Jesus said to them, “Come with me. I’ll make a new kind of fisherman out of you. I’ll show you how to catch men and women instead of perch and bass.” They didn’t ask questions, but simply dropped their nets and followed.” (Matt. 4:18-20 MSG)

I’ll be honest. I don’t want to drop my regular work to follow Jesus. I want to follow Jesus, part–time. So this verse about these guys ‘dropping their nets’ disturbs me.
Jesus says…Come with me, and I’ll show you a new way to live. I’ll give you a new job, a new purpose.

I suspect that this ‘new way of living’ is not normal. I don’t want to give up my normal lifestyle and sign up to be weird!
Unlike the first disciples, I have a few questions: What does this job entail? What are the hours and pay? Is there a dental plan? I can’t just drop everything and follow Jesus, can I?

I’ve known people who do this sort of thing. I’ve always thought they were irresponsible, flighty and flaky. Besides, how do I know that Jesus is even calling me? And if He is, how do I know what He is calling me to do?
Like Simon Peter, I want to say, “Master, leave. I’m a sinner and can’t handle this holiness. Leave me to myself.” (Luke 5:8-10 MSG)

“Jesus said to Simon, “There is nothing to fear. From now on you’ll be fishing for men and women.” They pulled their boats up on the beach, left them, nets and all, and followed him.” (Luke 5:10-11 MSG)

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