

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Recovery Groups

12-step programs have helped many people on their road to recovery. These programs range from Alcoholics Anonymous to Clutterers Anonymous. For some time now, I’ve been fascinated by the simplicity and practicality of the 12 step model and have found it a useful tool for behavior modification and personal growth. The 12-steps, (which are easily found online, so I won’t list them here), along with the support provided by the recovery group are also a good model for a faith community. 

These recovery support groups emphasize physical, mental, and spiritual transformation. I think our faith journey should be similar. We seek restoration to our former, intimate relationship with God while battling the physical, emotional, and spiritual barriers that block our path.

I found the following in a Wikipedia article on 12 steps:

“The illness of the spiritual dimension, or "spiritual malady", is considered in all twelve-step groups to be self-centeredness. The process of working the steps is intended to replace self-centeredness with a growing moral consciousness, a willingness for self-sacrifice, and unselfish constructive action. In twelve-step groups, this is known as a spiritual awakening or a religious experience.”

We are all at various stages of recovery from self-centeredness. This is the human condition. Our souls continually seek restoration to our former absolute oneness with the Divine. This can only be achieved through relinquishing our ‘self’ and surrendering to a Higher Power.

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