

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Let Go

Many of you might have heard of monkey traps. These traps consist of a container with a hole cut into it that is just wide enough for a monkey to stick its empty hand into. Something attractive to the monkey is placed in such a container. Most monkeys will reach in for the bait but will not let go and thus are trapped and captured.  I've heard of similar traps being used to catch raccoons as well.

Monkey traps come in many different forms. Our desires for control, financial security, respect, prestige, love, attention, affection, affirmation...can become entrapments. If we refuse to let go of these lures that we imagine will bring us happiness, we will become shackled by our desires and thus unable to live freely. Letting go of our idealistic viewpoints and dreams is difficult. However, once we realize that the alternative is bondage, it's sheer stubbornness to keep hanging on to these ideas.

The truth about monkey traps is that the monkey never gets to enjoy what is within his grasp. What's the point of hanging on to our acquisitions, accomplishments, and relationships, if we can't find satisfaction?

Just Let Go. Release your desires and worries to God. Be free.

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