

Thursday, December 13, 2012


I’ve been reading Matthew Chapter 4. I’ve been pondering the temptations that Jesus faced in the desert. The devil approaches Jesus during a time of desperate neediness and vulnerability.

Here is my interpretation of the three tests:
Bread —Take care of your needs. You don’t have to be vulnerable. Be financially independent.

Take risks on your own—Prove yourself, your worth, your significance. Follow your ambitions, and then ask God to protect you.
Seek glory—You can have it all. Seek self-fulfillment.

I am faced with these temptations regularly. I don’t want to depend on God or anyone else to meet my needs. I want to be independent. I want to take care of myself. I want to prove my worth. I want to pursue my dreams and then ask God to help me achieve my goals. I want to do whatever brings me self-fulfillment.
Jesus resists these temptations. He continually depends on the Father. He doesn’t challenge or manipulate. He is completely dedicated to serving the Father whole-heartedly.

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