

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Lust for Vindication

“O Lord, deliver me from this lust of always vindicating myself.” (St. Augustine)

I can identify with St. Augustine’s statement. I too have a compulsion to explain myself. When I feel convicted about a wrong course of action or attitude, my first instinct is to justify why I am the way I am. I tend to defend my position. I may admit that I’m not perfect…but then, who is? I rationalize (mostly to myself) that I have a right to my opinion.

The lust for vindication limits growth. If we are adamant about defending our current position, we are unlikely to accept criticism. While we justify ourselves, we remain stagnant. Focusing on self-gratification prevents us from evolving into mature, compassionate individuals.

Only the Lord can deliver us from this desire to always justify our thoughts and actions. We have to admit to ourselves and others when we are wrong. Then, we ask for divine intervention to fix these flaws in us.

Lord, fix me. Help me to evolve into the person you created me to be.

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