

Monday, November 1, 2021

Intrusive Thoughts

“Above all, be careful what you think because your thoughts control your life.” (Proverbs 4:23 ERV)

I’m thinking about getting some security cameras for my home. After some research, I am astonished at all the varieties and features that are currently available with these systems--indoor, outdoor, wired, wireless, infrared night vision, motion detectors, online data storage, high resolution video, professional monitoring services--all to guard your home against intruders! Thus far, I have been hesitant to purchase and install security cameras because of their cost and maintenance. Since we live in a rural area where the most common intruders are racoons and cats, I am unsure that it is even necessary. 

Unlike my neighborhood, my mind is vulnerable to intruders. Bothersome worries that steal my joy and peace arrive at my door frequently. The motion sensors of my mind see them coming. I know they are harmful, yet I open the door and let them in. Even worse, I dwell with these negative thoughts. These squatters leave behind a mess of agitation and anxiety that is difficult to clean up. My go-to routine to escape intrusive thoughts is distraction. This is not a good solution. It is equivalent to leaving my home unattended when I see someone sneaking in. I don’t think I can protect my heart on my own. I need a Higher Power to monitor my  thoughts. 

After some reading and contemplation, I have been practicing a few techniques. I would like to share these security tips: 

When you detect an invasive notion, zoom in. Concentrate on what matters. Be aware of what needs protecting. Carefully screen the thoughts that you let in. Intrusive concerns can take control of your life. If you are unable to guard your heart on your own, call for help. Ask God to monitor your thoughts and manage your mind.

“God, I invite your searching gaze into my heart. Examine me through and through; find out everything that may be hidden within me. Put me to the test and sift through all my anxious cares.” (Psalm 139:23 TPT)

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