

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Contemplative Prayer

A TV commercial for orange juice caught my attention today. A man sits in a booth at a diner, surrounded by several people he will encounter that day. The group included a toll booth cashier, a construction worker, coworkers and family members. Each person tells the man of the challenges that they will present to him that day. He calmly listens and says, "Well it's a good thing that I've got my orange juice."

Contemplative prayer is similar. I sit with the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. We hash out the past, present and future. God gives me instructions and insights on how to process everything I encounter. I listen. I inhale the Holy Spirit. I exhale Jesus. 

An awkward moment from my past drifts into my memory. I ask God to show me what I need to learn from it. Phrases and images float through my head. I take notes.

I lay out my present concerns. I'm worried about a certain person. Is there anything I can do to help? I'm considering tackling a new project. Should I leave it for a later time or another person? I am thankful for any suggestions and even the silence.

I present my plans for the upcoming day and week. I ask for God's guidance and presence in every situation that might come up. I especially pray for the unplanned events, the God-planned surprises. As I get up to face the day, I'm glad I'm fueled by the Holy Spirit.

1 comment:

  1. Good analogy about the juice.:) Good thoughts as usual about the spiritual life.
