

Monday, February 13, 2012

Single Income Family

My husband is the only wage-earner in our family. I admire him for shouldering this huge responsibility without a trace of complaint.

Things must be easier for partners who share all the responsibilities equally. If one loses his job or gets sick, the other can take over without much difficulty.

I am the 'Keeper of Faith' in my family. I tend the fire, adding, stoking, blowing... making sure God's light doesn't go out from our home. That His Spirit is always incoming. This weighs me down sometimes. I get tired.

I read the following line in My Utmost for His Highest recently:
"Until others learn to draw on the life of the Lord Jesus directly, they will have to draw on His life through you."

Just as a nursing mom needs to continually hydrate herself, I need to regularly replenish my soul with God's Spirit.

1 comment:

  1. Sometimes, it can be a draining, depressing job to stay at home with no tangible, weekly reward (paycheck). Yet, the small rewards are plentiful, and time is such a precious commodity. Yes, replenishing with God is a good thing. Keep going!
