

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Sorting Priorities

It was time to sort out my priority list. I sat down with a large piece of paper, since I am a very busy person with LOTS to do. I divided the paper into sections and labeled them 1 through 4. My plan was to list all the things I need to do by importance. Level 1 would be top priority and Level 4 would be the least important. I asked God to grant me discernment.

On top of the list, I wrote: "Know God Intimately".
Then I just sat thinking for a while...

Knowing God intimately would lead to loving God, which would motivate me to serve God. This would automatically lead to loving and serving others. Everything I wanted to do each day could be traced back to this one priority, Knowing God Intimately.

For example, house cleaning is just a form of serving my family and friends. A clean, orderly home can be a comfortable, inviting haven for everyone. So cleaning can be an expression of loving God. Yet, if I have a clean house and I keep it off-limits to maintain order, then it becomes a waste of time and energy.

Exercise is another example. If I exercise and eat properly, I may be able to maintain my health, which allows me to continue to serve God. Instead, if I'm exercising to just look good so I can get compliments and boost my ego, then it's just wasted effort.

I thought about the hundreds of little things I do every week. I realized that if each task wasn't motivated by my first priority, it was useless. So far, my long sheet of paper had only one thing on it:
Know God Intimately

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