

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Husband 3.0

Remember Windows 2.0? I do. It was my first computer operating system (OS). It came out in 1987. It had screens that overlapped, minimized and maximized! I was smitten. Although Microsoft kept coming up with updates, I was reluctant to accept changes.  That is, until Windows 95 came out. This OS opened up my world in a whole new way. For the first time I had a "Start" button and a "Task bar"! Eventually, I realized that every few years my operating system would change. Although it took some effort to adapt, it was almost always an improvement.

Most of the cells of the human body are replaced every 7-10 years. So if you've been with your spouse for more than a decade, you've probably noticed that neither of you are the same as when you first met. We grow, our operating systems get upgraded, our perspectives change. This is a good thing.

I met my husband in 1987. We got married 3 years later. He was upgraded in 1995 to the father of my child. He has continually evolved in ways I could never have imagined 25 years ago. He is stronger, kinder, and funnier. He is capable of processing multiple problems while remaining calm. He is confident, skillful, talented, knowledgeable, and marvelously efficient. I rely on him daily. Now, I eagerly await the new changes that are coming. I can't imagine how things could be better; But I know God is a visionary and He is already secretly working on the next upgrade.

Happy Valentine's Day!


  1. For a second I thought I was your third husband!! I think we've both been incredibly fortunate over the past 25 years to be where we are now. At the time we first met, I didn't expect to become a husband, a physician, a father, a member of a rock band, and generally a domestic man of mystery. I didn't see you as a wife, a homemaker, a mother, a blog-writer (those didn't even exist back in 1987), a bible-study leader, and a financial wizard, among many other things. I am happy to see where we are now together as a couple after all the trials, and probably with more to come. I just want you to know that I couldn't have done this without you. Love you.

    Husband 3.0

  2. Aw, you two are so sweet! And such a good couple -- someone should make a movie featuring your love; there could be covered bridges as a background since you are in Iowa, a couple of dangerous floods, an extraterrestrial found in the corn, more!, and you two standing strong despite it all. :)
