

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Motivation for Change

What motivates an alcoholic to quit drinking? Or an obese person to lose weight? Most of us realize the need for change and the benefits these changes bring. Yet, we are unable to turn around, even when we know we are headed in the wrong direction. That is, until some situation gets our attention.

Rick Warren, author of The Purpose Driven Life, says the following about this subject: “We don't change too often when we see the light, but we always change when we feel the heat. God lights a fire under us and we get moving.”

The biggest motivation for change is affliction. The more horrible the pain, the more galvanized we are to alter the trajectory of our course. The possibility of gain also spurs us to change, although not as intensely.

The most transformative times of my life have been shrouded in pain. I used to be proud (bordering on arrogant), self-reliant and completely sure of myself. I had my plan and knew I was organized enough to implement it. Then life rolled in like an ocean, with unceasing, unpredictable waves, tossing my plans.

We question why God allows suffering. God created us in His image, in His mold. As Rick Warren says, “He's more interested in your character than your comfort.” Character formation, not personal happiness, is God’s goal for us.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the reminder of that Rick Warren quote. Good post!
