

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Using Our Power

We have power over very few things in life. Yet, we rarely exercise the powers that we have; instead, we expend more energy trying to control things that are beyond our power.

Things I have some power over--When I go to sleep, how much water I drink, what I eat, whether I exercise or not, how I spend my discretionary time. My choices, reactions, and attitude.
Things I have little or no power over--When I wake up. (I have sleep issues that make me wake up in the middle of the night. I could take sleep medication, but I choose not to.) My adult son’s safety and his future. External circumstances. Natural disasters. Suffering. Other people’s choices, reactions, and attitude.

Instead of doing the things that are within my power to do, I waste my energy worrying about the things I cannot do!

“What lies in our power to do, it lies in our power not to do.” (Aristotle)
“When you doubt your power, you give power to your doubt.” (Aristotle)

If we have the power to worry, we also have the power NOT to worry. Doubt keeps us in bondage; it drains energy and determination. Let us act on the power we have, and trust God to take care of the things that are beyond our power.

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