

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Activating Your Potential

Slingshots are great examples of how potential energy is transformed into kinetic (active) energy. Pulling back the sling creates tension (potential energy) which is then transferred onto the projectile which is launched into action. The potential is dependent on the elasticity of the band and the distance it is pulled back from its relaxed state. Once the projectile is launched, there are various hindrances that could cause a loss of energy: air resistance, collisions with other objects, gravity, etc.

Our potential is increased by our elasticity and how far we are pulled back from our comfort zone. Rigidity can limit potential--and so can a comfortable life. A certain amount of tension and a yielding spirit are necessary to developing potential.

Once launched into an active phase, there are many ways to lose our steam. Worldly gravity, a natural resistance to change, unexpected life events, and collisions with other people can all divert us.

Transforming your potential into actions requires tension, pressure, and stretching. The more you are pulled back--the greater the force with which you are propelled--the more you are able to cut through the inevitable barriers.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you. I needed to read this and felt like it was a personal message from God to myself.
